Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free discussion of Prof. Hami`s Class: whatever you resist, you persist!!

            whatever you resist, you persist!!

I want to ask all classmates to share and discuss their ideas by leaving Comment.

I myself believe to the fact that sometimes whatever i resist, in fact, i persist.

of course we can see the questions through three view of points:
type 1-whatever we mentally resist, in fact we like it and we persist!
type 2-whatever we are resisted ( by situation, people, or environmet), we persist!
type 3-whatever we resist, the environment persist or force us to face it!

Resisting, means not accepting something, fighting the situation, getting all caught up. Whenever we resist something, we think about it too much and it can become like a complex! hence; we lose our patience and talk about it more. in face, we want to pretend others that it `s not a big deal, however, we think about it more and more, in consequense, we lose our patience and talk about it bizarrely.

Prof. Hami`s example: imagine a person who suddenly start to Express " I never marry untile the age of 40". nobody asked him the question? why suddenly he started to express that? maybe he was thinking about that and resisting the fact on his mind, but he persisted that by continuing and expressing. (type 1)

or some people say: As soon as you get the masses talking/thinking about your idea/agenda/product, for it or against it, it has come to life, into being. We increase and bring into manifestation what we collectively focus our thoughts and energy upon. The more we collectively resist something, the more it persists. ( here the resist and persit goes back to the nature`s reflection)  For example: you are driving your car, and you are worried to find a right place to park your car " you resist the negative word " i can`t find a place to park my car.... i know i cant... i won`t find....." and when you get to the  parking there is not any vacant place to park your car.
you resist negatively and the environment persist the same negative effect. ( that`s my personal expriance). which i call it ( type 3)

what do you think about resisting and persisting? have you experienced any types of it?


1 comment:

  1. i agree with you, whatever energy we put out into the environment, will
    come back to ourselves i.e. any events happen for us are reflectiosn of
    our thoughts. and if that thought is a negative one then, you will
    encounter with a bad and negative happen. when we think that we cannot
    do a work or it won't occur for us in our favorite situation, then we
    resist talking about that subject ,but actually our mind is fulled
    totally with this subject and we don't have enough courage to talk about
    it. so the way we think is so important, because society and environment
    will make our thoughts to happen in the real word, because they will
    understand the energy we are sending to them although it is not
    according to what we say. i don't know whether you saw the programme
    named " The Secret" , but it agree with the idea mentioned in it to some
    extene, it was said that,when you resist a specific event, or a certain
    feeling, there is sth that you don't want to feel or happen and in order
    to prevent this feeling , you put your energy into controlling it and
    then there is a law of creation that says: like energy attracts like
    energy. and if you resist looking at sth or feeling anything, it gust
    creatses the needs for you to look at this or feel this over and over
    again. when we resist to not talk about a subject, we are saving our
    energy to avoid it to happen, but our minds know the reality and what
    is our real desire and also cannot stand such strong stored energy and
    then it- our mind-spontaneously tries to aware us of this subject that,
    don't decieve yourself, you want this subgect to happen. and repeats it
    again and again.so we wil persist that subgect .it happens for me alot,
    for example, when i was in school, whenever i didn't do my math
    homeworks and i liked to think that , the teacher won't call me to do
    the questions i.e. i liked to resist ;toward this thought that my
    teacher will call my name to solve those question,but my teacher called
    my name to do them! i'm sure it happened for all too..!!

